So I washed the 70S, looked pretty good for a horrible paint job on a rotted car. The good, no overheating, only a tiny amount of oil used and the fuel gauge hardly moved. I will figure out the mileage this week, betting mid 20's. The bad, crappy oil pressure, no doubt from the bent rod, less than stellar performance, really shitty idle along with the lifter clatter and a squeak, maybe the alternator belt yet again, 5th time is the charm. I was just about home and a R/T Challenger passed me. I was delayed in my reaction but I had no chance to repass him, way out classed in power. It reinforces I need the 9.6 to 1 roller cam Olds 424, manual valve body 4L80E and at least 3.42 gears. I also hate the stock calibration 2004R with the stock 3000 rpm governor. I have the TV cable in the max position, full TV pull and there is no slippage occuring. I wonder if the converter is dying, it engages instantly in gear but needs a little throttle to get moving. It is a mild stall, flashes at 2300 or did before. The block is going to the machine shop soon, I need to spend some dollars and get the drive train how I want it.