Even though I'm retired, it seems I don't accomplish much. First, Christmas keep me busy, all four Grandkids and one in the oven. I made two trips to N.J. and back. I have a 1975 Olds 350 on the startup stand. I primed the 350, all fresh oil & filter. Fired it up, all good. Then I started "thinking" hmmm, it had a new water pump but no timing set change. Pulled the new fuel pump. Chain was a little sloppy. Should have buttoned it back up but M.A.W. might as well, put a new timing set in it. I have a few Coyles sets plus plenty of gaskets, so it's just time. Unfortunately I couldn't get the oil pan clearance to get the timing cover on without the possibility of leaking.
So now the easiest way is to put it on an engine stand. If it's not one thing it's two.
Anyhow I started to button up the romper-stomper 403.

•》I went with the generic Sealed Power Camshaft. It's a never used 24 Y/O camshaft that I got in one of many Oldsmobile deals. I'm shooting for "186" hp. I'll take heat on this next comment! I put a "used" stock oil pump on it. I have 3 high volume pumps but I didn't want to use them on a next to stock build, putt-putt engine. I cleaned the pump, check the gears plus gear to end plate clearance. I used a Toronado pump end plate because it was thicker than regular Olds oil pumps plate, new gasket between plate and pump. After I set the pickup to pan clearance, I tack welded the pickup to the oil pump body. I used the same "blowoff" spring but I drilled the cotter pin hole 1/8" closer, kind of like shimming but different. "WHAT POSSIBLY COULD GO WRONG"
I put a new oil pump shaft, even though I have some "almost new shafts" and I put the big block baffled oil pan. I was going to use the lifters that came with the engine. The were "gummed" up, so I pulled each one apart. They had a thin round "baffle" and putting them back together, yes, I dropped one and couldn't find it. I dug out a new set of Comps Cams lifters. I'm changing my mind on the balancer. Instead of using the "new" Korea made NAPA "hub" type balancer, I "borrowed" a normal type balancer from another 403. (Great to have spare engines, I have 6 403s) Some of the 403s I have got the #16 intake, I'm not to sure about that intake. I dug out a A4 and cleaned it up. I borrowed a set of 403 five hole valve covers, boy, how much weight did that save? I'm thinking of using this engine for another purpose depending on how the startup/cam break-in go. I spayed some paint on it.