My Last Rodeo


Active member
Oct 3, 2018
Braceville Ohio
I've built a few garages over the years. I bought my present house 2007. I have a couple of buildings a few miles from my house. Not wanting to be traveling everyday I planned on putting a building up. I ended doing two. My workshop originally was an unfinished Alpaca building. Pole building, 24'×32', 8ft high, dirt floor. Solid framed 4by6" treated uprights, heavy stringers for animals, 2' on center trusses. Decently built but unfinished outside. First thing I did was put in a good limestone base then 8" of 6 sack with fiberglass and remesh concrete, yes, I planned for a lift. This is what I started with.

Now that I had a solid floor, using 2 steel beams and cribbing and four 50 ton screw jacks, cutting the roof loose from the headers, lots of reciprocating saw blades.

I better post before I loose the post


Active member
Oct 3, 2018
Braceville Ohio
Jacking the roof up and installing 4' stud walls.


I planned for one high door but I left the original headers which later limited the height of the second door. I mistake on my part.
After cutting down some trees and grinding out the stumps, I decided to put 16×32 shed type wings on the building.

I framed it for 8 foot wide doors, I didn't think I'd have the height to go 9 ft wide. I did have the height but oh well.
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Active member
Oct 3, 2018
Braceville Ohio
I probably should tell you how it was when I was young. Luckily I had an older Brother that got me interested in cars, he's now deceased and my car hobby interest hasn't been the same since. I literally "push" on. Early 1960s we had an old shed 8X10 with a little pot belly stove that had every wrench, screwdriver, and tool we had, witch wasn't much. A flimsy 3 pipe tripod and a chain fall that had a stretched chain that always jammed up. We used old canvas tarps, under and over the car we'd be working on. In the winter we'd take turns till our greases hands were frozen while the other warmed near the glowing red pot stove. I can't believe we never caught the shed on fire. We lived for and worked on cars everyday. Now thankfully I have equipment so I can still work on my cars but not very often. There used to be a group of us but Father Time has taken most of them away but I still enjoy my cars. So my advice is to keep pluging away and enjoy the challenges because these are the best times of your lives.
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Active member
Oct 3, 2018
Braceville Ohio
I have a few small air compressors but on Black Friday I went to Tractor supply and bought a DeWalt 60 gallon, I know, it's only one stage but for the price $399 I'm happy. It looks like a creature from Despicable Me.
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Apr 2, 2019
Just came across this one Kenny. Super cool garage, and nice compressor. Also enjoyed your story about working on the cars in the winter when you were younger. I don't know what it is, I find it hard to be inspired to do anything outside when it's cold. I have a torpedo heater in my garage, I've gotten it up into the 60s in the garage when it's 20s/30s outside...but I have to get to that point, where I actually go outside, and turn the heater on, and wait for it to warm up. It's not conducive to me to doing stuff out there. Days like today on the other hand, sunny, 70s, then I would totally agree. That's an interesting observation, that and some other things you alluded life changes as you get older. This is a weird one, and something I'm just starting to notice. There's a lot less realization about the scarcity factor when you're 18, then when you're older, with "autumn closing in", as Bob Seger said. But then, he said that 43 years ago, and he's still plugging there's a hopeful future, even when it doesn't always seem that way. Anyway, kinda deep for a post about a garage, but yeah, I hope you're putting it to good use. I know I did mine today.